Understanding Non-Compete Agreements in Massachusetts

Non-compete agreements are a common feature of employment contracts in Massachusetts to protect businesses from unfair competition by current and former employees. However, these agreements need to meet specific legal requirements under Massachusetts law to ensure fairness and enforceability. We review what non-compete agreements are, the legal framework governing them in Massachusetts, and key considerations for both employers and employees. What Are Non-Compete Agreements? A non-compete agreement is the part in an employment

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Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors in Massachusetts

Employee misclassification is a common issue in Massachusetts, particularly in industries where companies try to reduce costs by labeling workers as independent contractors rather than employees. Misclassification deprives workers of essential protections, including access to benefits, overtime pay, and legal rights under Massachusetts employment laws. Understanding how misclassification occurs, its consequences, and how to seek recourse can help Massachusetts workers protect their rights and ensure

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Massachusetts Wage Deductions and Illegal Deductions from Employees’ Wages

In Massachusetts, specific regulations govern what employers can and cannot deduct from an employee’s paycheck. Violations of these laws can lead to significant legal penalties for employers, and employees may be entitled to compensation if illegal deductions are made. Legal Wage Deductions in Massachusetts Under both Massachusetts law and federal law, certain wage deductions are legal as long as they meet specific criteria. Generally, employers

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Massachusetts Wage Act: Unpaid Commissions

Understanding Unpaid Commissions in Massachusetts In Massachusetts, commissions and bonuses are often a significant part of an employee’s compensation package. However, disputes can arise when an employee is terminated, and the employer does not pay these earned amounts. Understanding your legal rights is crucial to ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. Commissions: Commissions are payments based on sales or other measurable performance metrics. In

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A Guide to Massachusetts Wage and Hour Laws

Massachusetts wage and hour laws govern various aspects of employment, including minimum wage, overtime pay, and meal breaks to ensure fair treatment and compensation for workers. Here is some comprehensive guidance on wage and hour laws to help both employers and employees understand their rights and obligations. Minimum Wage Requirements In Massachusetts, employers are required to pay employees at least the minimum wage set by

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Misclassification of Independent Contractors in Massachusetts

Independent contractors in Massachusetts play a vital role in our economy, providing services to businesses and individuals on a project basis. However, employers sometimes misclassify employees as independent contractors to sidestep various employment laws, such as paying minimum wages, benefits, insurance, and taxes. As a result, independent contractors need to be alert to misclassification by their employers, and they should understand their rights under federal

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What You Need To Know About Non-Compete Clauses in Massachusetts

Non-compete clauses, also known as restrictive covenants, are agreements between employers and employees that limit the employee’s ability to compete with the employer after the termination of their employment. In Massachusetts, these clauses are much debated and legally scrutinized. In this article, we’ll explore the purpose of non-competes, their enforceability, and what you should know as a potential client. Purpose of Non-Compete Clauses  The primary purpose of a non-compete

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Salaried Employees and Overtime Pay

As an employee in Massachusetts, you should know your rights and entitlements when it comes to overtime pay. One common misconception among salaried employees is that they are not entitled to overtime pay. This is not always true, depending on various factors that determine eligibility for overtime pay. What is Overtime Pay? Overtime pay is the additional compensation an employer pays to an employee for

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Prevailing Wage Law in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, the Prevailing Wage Law requires contractors and subcontractors working on public construction projects to pay their workers the prevailing wage rate. The “prevailing wage rate” is the hourly rate of pay, including benefits, paid to the majority of workers engaged in a particular type of construction work in a specific geographic area. This law applies to all types of public works projects, including

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Compensation for On-Call Time: Understanding Your Rights as a Massachusetts Employee

Many employees in Massachusetts are “on-call” outside of their regular working hours, which means that they must be available to work if called upon by their employer. Both employees and employers need to understand whether on-call time is compensable under Massachusetts law. We explain whether employees are entitled to compensation for on-call time and what factors are considered in determining compensation. What is On-Call Time?

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